at KITE OPTICS, a belgian family run company, we have been working on the development of high-precision optical instruments for nature observation since 1992. We strive for excellent optical performance and mechanical quality in our binoculars and scopes. Our passion is to combine these characteristics with one of the best after-sales services in the world. This way you can experience the KITE difference, both in the field and beyond.

Family dedication

In 1992 the company was founded by Georges De Putter, born in an opticians family and passionate about nature. At young age he takes great interest for the sport optics section in his father's optics business, and soon discovers the need with their professional customers for affordable instruments yet without compromise on service and durability. 

For reliability

Professional observation is at the roots of KITE OPTICS, that was already a loyal supplier to many of Europe's nature reserves and institutions well before the brand came available to consumers through specialist stores only. In our vision a binocular or scope is more than just a hobby instrument. It is a tool on which many scientists, foresters and explorers rely on every day to do their job. Optical performance is one thing, but we have learned early that mechanical precision, durability and after-sales service are at least on the same level of importance. Through innovation and caring for highest quality on levels that are even invisible at the user's first sight, we can offer our customers an instrument that does not only stand for excellent vision, but also the very best one can expect in durabiltiy and reliability.   

For service and environment

We strongly dislike today's throw-away society and the idea that our instruments would somehow end up in nature. Our eye for quality on each single product component must ensure the products can last a lifetime. But in case of damage, the highly specialized repair department must ensure that every KITE instrument, no matter how old or how damaged, can be repaired by the skilled replacing or repairing of components.

For optical performance

Bringing nature closer to you in its true colours and contrasts is the essence of our work. At KITE OPTICS we strive for creating best performing optical systems for various types of use and various budgets. Our finest optical developments, in KITE KSP HD telescopes, are categorized in the word's top 5 best performing instruments. At the same time we also aim to make a difference on entry level instruments while guaranteeing the full set of qualities KITE OPTICS stands for.